
Gene Symbol Protein ID Species Strain
CNBG_5853 A0A095CHS6 Cryptococcus deuterogattii R265
CNBG_2441 A0A095EH22 Cryptococcus deuterogattii R265
AFUB_016740 B0XPB4 Aspergillus fumigatus ku80
AFUB_078460 B0Y8T2 Aspergillus fumigatus ku80
CAWG_04593 C4YR94 Candida albicans strain 11 isolated from - male patient of Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti
CAWG_04595 C4YR96 Candida albicans strain 11 isolated from - male patient of Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti
CNAG_01446 J9VJQ8 Cryptococcus neoformans KN99alpha
CNAG_03143 J9VUT1 Cryptococcus neoformans KN99alpha