Protein ID Protein Name Protein Description Gene Name Species Strain PMID
B0XPE7 TATA-binding protein-associated factor mot1 Regulates transcription in association with TATA bindingprotein (TBP). Removes TBP from the TATA box via its C-terminal ATPaseactivity. Both transcription activation and repression require itsATPase activity (By similarity). Part of the NCT transcriptionalregulatory complex that acts as a key regulator of ergosterolbiosynthesis and the azole exporter cdr1B (PubMed:31969561). The NCTcomplex binds the promoters of genes linked to azole susceptibility,and especially represses the expression of cdr1B transporter(PubMed:31969561). AFUB_006220 Aspergillus fumigatus ku80 32817450