Protein ID Protein Name Protein Description Gene Name Species Strain PMID
C0NQK6 Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme ATG7 E1-like activating enzyme involved in the 2 ubiquitin-likesystems required for cytoplasm to vacuole transport (Cvt) andautophagy. Activates ATG12 for its conjugation with ATG5 and ATG8 forits conjugation with phosphatidylethanolamine. Both systems are neededfor the ATG8 association to Cvt vesicles and autophagosomes membranes.Autophagy is essential for maintenance of amino acid levels and proteinsynthesis under nitrogen starvation. Required for selective autophagicdegradation of the nucleus (nucleophagy) as well as for mitophagy whichcontributes to regulate mitochondrial quantity and quality byeliminating the mitochondria to a basal level to fulfill cellularenergy requirements and preventing excess ROS production HCBG_05286 Histoplasma capsulatum ATCC G217B 27303729