Protein ID Protein Name Protein Description Gene Name Species Strain PMID
C4YNP4 Thiamine thiazole synthase Involved in biosynthesis of the thiamine precursor thiazole.Catalyzes the conversion of NAD and glycine to adenosine diphosphate 5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazole-2-carboxylic acid (ADT), anadenylated thiazole intermediate. The reaction includes an iron-dependent sulfide transfer from a conserved cysteine residue of theprotein to a thiazole intermediate. The enzyme can only undergo asingle turnover, which suggests it is a suicide enzyme. May haveadditional roles in adaptation to various stress conditions and in DNAdamage tolerance. THI4 Candida albicans strain 11 isolated from - male patient of Institute of Hematology Arthur Siqueira Cavalcanti 25287304